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Review of Daleks Victorious by JayPea

17 February 2025

This review contains spoilers!

Listened to this over a week ago, so not too fresh in my mind, but god did I love this.

The Daleks feel really menacing here, and again I absolutely adore how they work this story perfectly into it's place in the Doctor Who timeline. The repercussions for The Doctor deleting himself meaning The Daleks think they won The Time War, the 'Skittles Daleks' reporting back to the Dalek Prime-Minister, the 'Skittles Daleks' actually feeling really menacing and like a true threat.

The way The Daleks are treated here reminds me a lot of The Stolen Earth or The Parting of the Ways. It's less a case of trying to defeat them, more a case of just trying to save what you can, and here we have important characters falling to them, dying to give others just a little more time. I especially love how Eleven references the colours in mocking them, especially the eternal, but how it works, they still feel menacing despite it.

I love Valarie's plan to help Eleven, I love Roanna's interactions with The Yearn, I love Hayden's last stand, I love The Yearn getting what it wants, and I love how even that isn't enough to stop The Daleks.

The implication that The Eternal Dalek is somehow what helped them overcome The Yearn is also really interesting and looking forward to seeing how that pans out.

This story made me actually love, fear, and respect the Ski- sorry, the New Dalek Paradigm, and I absolutely adore that I'm able to say that I do now.



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