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Review of Dalek War Chapter 2 by sircarolyn

14 March 2025

I came very close to rating this one 3, and the entire reason for that is that finally this series has given me a character I like: Morli. Is this strongly to do with the fact we rarely get characters who sound like they're from the North East in DW? Perhaps. But she is also kind of bonkers, and when every single other moment of this series is bogged down with scrapy Dalek voices and serious, boring characters, that is a blessed relief. I wouldn't call the acting good, or even her story that engaging, but I was not tuned out so that was a big win.

The negative is that the entire rest of the story is boring. Suz and Alby have begun to actively annoy me with every word that comes out of their mouths. Suz' relentless threat to kill herself quickly becomes meaningless when it is clear she'll never follow through. The Daleks insistence on always calling her Suuu-sann Mennn-dezzzz is irritating at best and egregious at worst, and I couldn't possibly tell you what their plan is because I am not tuned in to this series. Kalendorf continues to be the other most engaging character, but when your competition is Dalek-synth turned way up and a handful of other generic rebels whose names I don't remember, that's not hard.

I am sad that I have not been enjoying this series, and though I will see it through to the end of s2, I don't think I'll be picking up 3 and 4. Unless something drastically interesting happens at the end of this series, anyway. But I have not been given a lot to hope for.


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