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Review of Dalek War Chapter 1 by VoRus1

4 March 2025

Wow, I'm the first reviewer of this story! This review will be kinda experimental cause I will write my thoughts on the story while listening to it. So it's more like an initial reaction than a review

The episode's beginning feels like a nice way to re-introduce listeners to the overall plot. Not exactly fresh start but a solid entry point nevertheless. Also probably one of the most grand Daleks' plans

The Mentor is an interesting new character. Really like her robotic yet human-like voice. Feels soothing in a way

While listening to these Dalek stories I found out I really like all the clicking 'sci-fi' sounds lol

Decided to randomly browse TARDIS.Guide and realized Nicholas Briggs wrote literally every story in this spin-off. Wow. That's dedication I guess

Gareth Thomas as Kalendorf is certainly a highlight of the whole series from an acting standpoint

Yes, hallucinations (or not)! Doubts about the reality of story's events! Love this stuff

Btw I will correct myself from earlier and say that The Mentor is a true highlight of this episode in particular

Again, the themes of a story (especially this thin line between something and something... I will need to edit the review because I forgot what I wanted to write)

LOVE the twist (not exactly huge but it adds a curious element to Susan) near the end. Feels creepy in a way that every Dalek story should be imo

The music is so 2000s coded I really appreciate it

Wow a trailer in the end

In conclusion I can say that this is a pretty solid episode. I'm excited for next chapters of the story but I'll definently have at lest a week-long break before listening to them because I don't want to go mad from hearing so many Dalek voices. Also writing this review simultaneously with listening to it was an interesting experience maybe I'll try it again

Well, I guess that's everything I was going to say. Really hope I didn't forget to do something that I intended to do...

P.S. Sorry for a non-funny 'joke' near the end I just couldn't help myself


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