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Review of Dalek Soul by Seagullslost

21 August 2024

Realy quite good!

Carrying on from the previous two episodes, Nyssa and The Doctor are now apparently working for the Daleks? but are they?

Its really a Nyssa story, the Doctor being more in the background. Nyssa herself charged with making a virus to make the inhabitants of Mojox turn on themselves in order for the Daleks to take over. As the listener you know that our heros can't really be working for the Daleks, but the interest is trying to work out what's really going on. With Nyssa getting close to the truth and having her memory wiped - there are elements of 'the Natural History Of Fear' - slowing building up a picture of the reality of the situation. As long terms fans you might have an inkling of why Nyssa and the Doctor are behaving the way they do, but its still nicely done. The Doctor is very much against type, in fact quite nasty. I can't help feeling that it must of been a nice change for both Peter Davison and Sarah Sutton to do something different.



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