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Review of Cyberwoman by dema1020

6 June 2024

This review contains spoilers!

I am not, at all, a fan of Cyberwoman. I think it is crass, it is hard to ever really let this side of Ianto just slip away, and for all of Torchwood's talk of maturity, we get this. One of my least favourite script by one of my least favourite Doctor Who writers. The design of the Cyberwoman looks terrible, the idea of the story just doesn't hold up well at all, and I think it cheapens the idea of the Cybermen in general.

Though Torchwood would eventually find some marks of quality, early stories like this and Day One did a lot to turn me off of the series, and view it as simply incapable of handling Doctor Who material. Over time, I suppose I would be proven wrong, but it is still hard to shake the image of this being the dorky little show that acts tough and pulls crap that would have been silly and exploitative in the 1970s.