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Review of Colditz by thedefinitearticle63

21 February 2025

This review contains spoilers!

This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: Dust Breeding

David Tennant is in this... as a Nazi. He must've been quite desperate to get on Doctor Who huh. Still he plays the role really well, as he tends to when it comes to villains.

There's a lot of things to like about this story. There's a character from an alternate timeline where the Nazis won, which gives us some really great discussions about changing time and the "correct" history. Klein is quite an interesting character in general, I'm glad to hear that there'll be more with her later down the line.

Ace gets a really solid role here. While the Doctor is out scheming and doing whatever Ace is trapped in Colditz castle trying to escape. She blends in quite nicely with all these soldier types and there's a really good underlying theme of Ace "growing up" which is cemented at the end by her dropping the name Ace and going for Dorothy McShane instead. It'll be interesting to see where that leads.

Really good stuff, another win for 7 it seems.

Next Story: The Rapture


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