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Review of Cobwebs by thedefinitearticle63

2 August 2024

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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: Freakshow

It's weird listening to this almost directly after Terminus. I've been so used to mediocre companion exits being the last I see of a companion for ages if not indefinitely. Still, I do think there's a lot more of Nyssa's character to explore and I'm glad we have an entire arc to do it in. So far, Nyssa doesn't have any major differences that I've noticed, I'm sure we'll learn how she's changed as time goes on though. It does mean it's very hard to picture her older in my mind's eye, I suppose I'm too used to imagining the younger Nyssa in stories.

This story is a very promising start and a great timey-wimey adventure. It's difficult to wrap your head around but every single twist and turn leaves you satisfied. This story is easily in my top 5 uses of a bootstrap paradox in Doctor Who, it's absolutely genius and mind-boggling. The atmosphere here is just brilliant. The research facillity, despite being a fairly generic location, is so vivid and atmospheric. It all feels really claustrophobic and you can easily imagine yourself trapped in this story with the characters.

The cast are all really great, the before and after of the research team getting their memories back is night and day, they maintain the same personalities but otherwise seem like completely different characters. Peter Davison gives a great performance as usual. Janet Fielding, despite this only being her second audio-drama, captures her on-screen character of Tegan flawlessly. Mark Strickson is delightfully deceitful and slimy as Turlough, but you stlil trust that he's no longer being deceitful to the TARDIS crew and instead only outsiders. I've already spoken about Sarah Sutton's older Nyssa and I think it needs time to grow into something distinctly different which I'm sure will happen.

Overall, this is a great story. It feels quite overlooked considering just how good it is. It's easily on par with some of the timey-wimier stories that Big Finish have done. Couple that with a phenomenal cast, great sound design and an intensely clever story and you have an excellent adventure to being the 'Older Nyssa' arc.

Next Story: The Whispering Forest


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