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Review of City of Devils by dema1020

6 July 2024

This review contains spoilers!

A decent comic, notable only for a few quirks.  One is that Gary Russell wrote this, and he did a decent job.  Along with artist Vincent Danks they are great at giving the Silurians a sense of life and definitely the sort of intimidating presence the original series was going for but lacked the budget.  Unconstrained by a camera, City of Devils is able to really give the Silurians the look and feel I always imagined.  Here they are a powerful and intimidating race, but also a reasonable one that can be negotiated with.  This comic is also notable for being an adaptation of K9 and Company, which is a neat quirk.  Though I didn't really enjoy that original pilot, City of Devils actually adapts the series in a fun way and I enjoyed watching Sarah and K9 travel on this short little adventure.  It wasn't exceptional, but this is far from the worst Silurian story I've ever encountered.


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