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15 November 2024
This review contains spoilers!
The First Doctor #13
'Childhood Living' (2006) from Short Trips: The Centenarian.
Great little short here, really enjoy the Linda and Edward characters and their mirror Susan and The Doctor quite nicely in more ways than one. Fun location for that half of the story for sure. The Slarvians are a nice little villain - and The Doctor and them both lying to one another is a good touch. Feel like it gets a little convoluted once the Queen comes in and needs to feast on females so that she can secrete (??) but aside from that it's a good simple little story with good characters and The Doctor and Susan have a fun presence in it. Cool to see a bit of an ingenious ending as well with the TARDIS dematerialising while attached to the other ship in order to take that ship away and stop it from causing havoc.
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