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Review of Cass-cade by Callandor

2 January 2025

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Prerequisites: The previous audios in the set, as well as various other stories, outlined in my review for Nowhere, Never

Cass-cade is a pretty good story, at least conceptually. The idea of Cass being trapped in this endless loop where she meets the Doctor and Alex for the first time over and over again is really interesting! One issue is that the story never goes beyond that. There's no great exploration of how Cass handles this immense pressure. In fact, it's almost boring in the sense that she takes literally everything in stride almost instantly. She's almost too competent, and when that's combined with a rather uninteresting central mystery (once you strip away the time loop stuff), it doesn't make for an incredibly compelling story. That being said, the whole time loop stuff does add a fair bit to the entertainment here, but it can only do so much.


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