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Review of Captain Jack Harkness by dema1020

16 June 2024

Likely (and easily) my favourite episode of Series One. Captain Jack Harkness is an effective use of Jack's character and age, a good story with a compelling sense of urgency and action to it, and a fun time travel story. It definitely thinks like this and a couple of the other stronger first series episodes make a better case for Torchwood than anything in the first two thirds of the season. Even Tosh gets to shine here, in my opinion for the first in the show, a feat that would sadly be replicated very few times in Torchwood TV.

I love the production design and effort put in taking us to 1941. Given the limited budget, I think they did an exceptional job at this. A really good episode that might be my favourite of Torchwood pre-Children of Earth. I also think it works as a good companion to Out of Time, taking us from Torchwood receiving time travellers to them journeying through time. The stuff between Owen and Ianto was a little overplayed but it still worked in heightening the sense of urgency to Captain Jack Harkness as an episode. All told, it remains an impressive episode that definitely stands out a bit in memory.


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