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Review of Buying Time by WhoPotterVian

21 August 2024

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A fantastic introduction to Dalek Universe 1. It begins with an epic speech from David Tennant, and sees the Tenth Doctor unexpectedly kidnapped from time and transported to a Space Security Service spaceship with several dead crew members.

Anya Kingdom makes for a good counterpart to the Doctor, sharing some of that tough Sara Kingdom spirit, and Mark Seven is an interesting android character, who feels similar to Supergirl's Braniac.

I love the fact that this story incorporates an obscure classic series monster in the Visians. They've only appeared in The Daleks' Master Plan, which Dalek Universe is a spiritual successor to, and only Big Finish could bring back monsters this obscure and still have them feel relevant to the plot.

The cliffhanger is a shocker too, with the Tenth Doctor somehow regenerating into a woman, when we know he becomes Matt Smith. Obviously, there's some form of twist, but it's quite an effective cliffhanger all the same.


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