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25 November 2024
This review contains spoilers!
“Alone with his choice, the Doctor began to reprogram the console.
You win this round, whoever you are, he thought. But watch the shadows.
And don’t slip for a moment. Because when you do, I’ll be there, and I’ll bring you to book. For Earth. For the children.
He touched the function execute switch.”
Wow what a book, mortimore goes to some extremely dark places and really does an in-depth look into the concept of war through the eyes of not only the innocents but also Both sides, the parallels between chtall and the brigadier are brilliant the conflicting ideas of war and peace between the hardcore UNIT people and the doctor/Morka are also great, mortimore also puts Jo and Benton through hell, and the twist at the end, the doctor making the choice to end the alternate timeline by time ram… puts a nail on the coffin, the doctor is mad now, whoever this mysterious villain is has completely shattered the barely healing bond between ace and the doctor as well as forced his hand to do something terrible, and the doctor is out for revenge, it’s some great set up as well as just a great story in general, while I’m a bit upset Benny wasn’t used more (she feels like, except for the last chapter, more of a second violent ace with the scenes on the submarine) and it’s getting to the point now where I can’t make excuses for authors not knowing how to characterize Benny or use her as we’re now 10 books in with her! That being said this story is still fun regardless, some parts were hard to visualize but other than that it was brilliant, the character stuff with Benny, ace and 7 in the epilogue being my favorite part!
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