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Review of Behind You by deltaandthebannermen

3 December 2024

This review contains spoilers!

Behind You is a short story which appeared on the BBC website in 2014, was written by Mark Williams and features the 12th Doctor.

It's a slight tale of the Doctor and temporary companion, an understudy called Ceri, ending a threat from aliens who have crashed at a theatre and are turning people into animal/human hybrids.

It's very bitty and there's very little development or explanation of the story. Basically some aliens crashed into a Mummers play and they need an audience or something and now giving humans animal heads.

Ostensibly it's set at a pantomime, but there's very little of that in the story which is a shame because I'm a huge fan of panto. A proper Doctor Who story set at a pantomime with characters sourced from the actors playing the dame, principal boy etc would be brilliant. Done properly, it might also dispel the myth that the JNT era is, in any way shape or form, pantomimic in its nature. In fact, as far as I'm concerned, calling the JNT era a pantomime is, frankly, a compliment.

Mark Williams isn't a writer who seems to have done any other Doctor Who and, as a story, its pretty perfunctory and really failed to seem particularly Doctor Whoey or particularly Christmassy.


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