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30 April 2024
This review contains spoilers!
In my opinion, this story might just be the peak of Doctor Who. Likeable side characters are always a good thing, and this story might have the most well rounded one-off characters of NuWho (Big Finish box set when?), but that's merely an aside to the true meat of this story.
A time travel story that isn't overly complex, whilst still using a well-known paradox. And the explanation of that paradox, 12 breaking the fourth wall and playing guitar, might just be the most Doctor Who scene ever.
Meanwhile, in the future, we have a fantastic Base Under Siege, with a classic example of Who taking the supernatural and making it scientific.
The Fisher King has a fantastic design, and his ghosts look wonderfully spooky.
I love this story, and it has been my comfort watch since first airing.
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