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26 May 2024
This review contains spoilers!
Battlefield is a pretty memorable episode of Doctor Who. It definitely has ideas that feel like the sort of thing Moffat would be exploring down the road, but with quite the distinct Seventh Doctor era and its style to the writing. The special effects are very messy and outright laughable at times, even by the standards of what I've seen of late era Classic Who. But otherwise I had a lot of fun with Battlefield. It kind of withers out near the end, going a little too abruptly for my taste and not really having all that satisfying of a pay-off.
Everything else is pretty great. Ace and the Doctor have some fun moments, the whole Camelot angle leads to a lot of creativity and I enjoyed those characters, including the knights and Morgaine. The Brigadier's return felt a little pointless but he's a welcome sight. On the whole, Battlefield is pretty great, even if clearly not perfect. There's a lot to enjoy from these episodes and I would heartily recommend it as a Doctor Who story.
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