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Review of Bang-Bang-a-Boom! by ThetaSigmaEarChef

26 February 2025

This review contains spoilers!

I was not a fan of this one, and gave it a 2.5/5. Minor spoilers throughout.

I found the parody to be veering between fun and mean-spirited and the attitude of the audio felt rather nasty towards Star Trek and the other parodied shows and events. I am not sure if that was the intention, but it was how it came across to me. However, it was easy to listen to/follow, the pace wasn't too fast. I found the critique of technobabble surprisingly engaging, though it sadly didn't last long.

The murderer was very obvious and, as the mystery was all there really was, it left the audio a little empty. Still, it was fun to listen to, so still worth it I suppose. The ending that was supposed to be a twist was also very expected - though, the Earth national anthem being I Will Survive was a stroke of genius. Lovely ending for Eleanor!

I can understand why some people like this audio, but it really wasn't for me.


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