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Review of Attack of the Graske by deltaandthebannermen

2 December 2024

This review contains spoilers!

A little extra. This interactive episode/game appeared on the, soon to be defunct, red button after The Christmas Invasion. It subsequently appeared on the BBC website.

It's the sort of thing I really can't see coming out of the Doctor Who Production Office nowadays. It's from the era of Totally Doctor Who, The Infinite Quest and the 'tardisodes'.

To be honest, it's a bit naff but it is fun all the same. I remember the actual interaction of it being a bit clunky but it's short enough to be inoffensive.

The central antagonist, the Graske, is interesting as it's a creation (played by regular Jimmy Vee) that would then appear in the Sarah Jane Adventures as a fully fledged character, along with their close cousins, the Groske (the blue version). The appearance of a Slitheen is also an indication of cross-pollination as they would go on to feature heavily in the Sarah Jane Adventures as well.

The potential audience for this is clearly children - the plot is simple and linear; the 'puzzles' simple (although the first one which involves switching between camera angles was quite frustrating if you didn't get the right shot at the right time).

Despite it's 'slightly non-canonical' status, Tennant gives a good performance (which can't really be said of the actors playing the family in the first puzzle) and is clearly treating this as the real thing. It fits nicely with the later Music of the Spheres short film (particularly with the audience point of view) and I can't bear it any ill will, even if it is a bit silly.


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