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Review of Asylum of the Daleks by dema1020

17 May 2024

This review contains spoilers!

Yeah, I think Asylum is a little underrated. Yes, there are severe flaws to the writing, especially around Amy and Rory. The whole divorced thing is messy, and like so many of the half-baked ideas that permeate lower quality Doctor Who stories, it's not so much the idea as the execution. Divorce is a normal thing that happens to a lot of people but speed-running through the plot line and immediately reconciling the two within one episode is incredibly messy.

Yet I can't help but point out it has a lot of cool stuff to it. It has not one but two of my favourite Dalek moments - one being kind of goofy, with Rory and the eggs, the other deadly serious, with Oswin's true form revealed. It was so heartbreaking and after hearing rumours that this was an early appearance of a future companion, it was a tantalizing at the time. Yeah, like so many Moffat things the reveal is a little messy but the initial mystery box was tantalizing. It's just a messy episode overall with some moments of sheer brilliance I can't ignore. Oswin might be my favourite iteration of Clara and I really wish we got more of this version of her as the one we settled on is kind of the weakest. I also really like the ending with the Dalek Parliament. It's dumb and antithetical that the Daleks would have a Parliament but this script doesn't do well in the face of logic.

I can see its flaws but I appreciate the hard work that clearly went into it as well - lots of cameo Daleks and little details show up here that were a lot of fun. It's a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine, I suppose, but it's also a very easy watch in my opinion and definitely entertaining.


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