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Review of Ascendance by DontBlink

17 December 2024

This review contains spoilers!

RADIO TIMES COMICS: STORY 5 (Eighth Doctor: Story 3)

Yay, more Ice Warrior politics! Such fun! (Please make it stop)

It’s time to continue the Eight Doctor Radio Times comics with Ascendence, which follows directly on from the last story, Descendance, a comic I, well, let’s just say, didn’t enjoy that much.

I didn’t have high hopes for this one after the abysmal efforts of the previous stories, and it is just as bad.

Everything I complained about in my Descendance review happens here as well.

The only highlight is the Doctor wishing us all a merry Christmas at the end, but even that is annoying, not funny.

Hopefully the strips will eventually get better.

As if!


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