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Review of Arrangements For War by RandomJoke

7 March 2025

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After picking up where we left off with *Lazarus*, this one just gets right into the juicy Character Drama, where the Doctor and Evelyn quickly find themselves on Opposite Side. This Decision is just great, and really the Heart of this Story is the Character Drama between Evelyn and the Doctor. Both played yet again superb by both Colin and Maggie. Especially, Evelyn gets a lot of great Material here.
As for the Story outside the Character Drama between our TARDIS Team, I do think it works. What starts out to seem like a political driven Story turns out to be mainly a love story, that while written very well, doesn't sadly get me as much as I would hope. Don't get me wrong, everybody here plays their Part with the most Confidence and doesn't disappoint, yet I do find myself sadly not connecting as much as I would like to. But then again, I can be quite hard to be pleased with a romantic Story in any kind of Media, so this isn't totally surprising.
Still, the writing certainly doesn't disappoint and offers some great World Building on top of that. And that ending is just *chef's kiss* good!
Really had a good Time with this Story!


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