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Review of Appropriation by RandomJoke

5 March 2025

This review contains spoilers!


Okay now that we have that out the Way, I must admit while this isn't as strong as the previous one, I still enjoyed it and find it a good 'Epilogue' to the Event that happened in the last few. The Standouts here are definitely Narvin and Romana II. The Former gets some of his most sympathetic Moments since the Finale of Series 2, while the latter plays the exhausted Romana so well. I do admit that the political Intrigue is lacking here sadly, which ranks this Story a bit lower to me, but some great Character Moments help this Play massively.

Side Note, which has nothing to do with that Story: But isn't it funny that if you show somebody who listened to Gallifrey a Picture of Darkel, they will probably say how hateable they are, compared to somebody who has only seen Trial, who will probably shrug at you? Again nothing relevant to this Story, just a funny Thought I had.


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