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Review of All’s Fair by Callandor

30 January 2025

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Mr. Roboto

Prerequisites: The previous 11DCs, and Series 7 of New Who

All’s Fair is another unsurprisingly great audio from this range (also it has a clever title, which I like). The actual plot, which is that of humans getting infected with an alien virus, is something I wasn't that interested in. Still, the character work on display here is excellent. Giving Valerie her own River Song-esque future romance could've been seen as sloppy writing, but I actually think it works here. Admittedly, I never really trusted Hayden until the last ten minutes, but those last ten minutes are really something special. Having Valerie's death be a point of time they've all seen makes for some great drama, and I look forward to seeing where the range goes next.


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