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Review of All of Time and Space by Trench16

27 June 2024

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All of Time and Space: 9.5/10 - This story was a mix of so many ideas and concepts but they all came together in a beautiful culmination with some great themes and moments. First off, the idea of the story is one that can either be done really good, or really bad. Luckily, the way this story is presented is very clear and the premise flows nicely. The metaness of this story is another thing that I really love. The opening itself is great with some great writing in the dialogue between Ellery and Darling. The Doctor and Valerie are amazing in this story straight from the beginning with Valerie being the standout by far. Ellery is a great protagonist and when he learns the truth about his world, you can truly feel his pain as he comes to realize his existence is purely fictional. The relationship built between Ellery and Valerie is great and Safiyya Ingar is able to use her acting talents to amazing effect. The scene between the two that showcased the true poignancy of the story was definitely their last scene before Ellery comes out of the Negative Perception. It is fantastically written. 


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