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Review of All of Time and Space by RoseBomb

2 May 2024

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It wants to be Heaven Sent, soo bad.
So All of Time and Space is an allegory for the show… and that's about it, it doesn't even keep that a secret for more than 5 seconds starting with a man narrating a story featuring The Eleventh Doctor and Valarie, but who is the man narrating the story? It's Waris Hussein, it's just Waris Hussein, he's Indian, he's gay and he dreams of Doctor Who, it's just Waris Hussein, no metaphor, no allegory, just literally one of the creators of the show with a different name.
Now, I don't feel like I am that grumpy of a person, but when a story is this on-the-nose about what it's about but pretends like it's really opaque, it just erks me, and the more I have thought about this story the worse it has gotten for me.
If you get something out of this, great, have fun, let me sit over here being Miss Grumpy-Face.


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