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Review of After Life by MrColdStream

6 June 2024

This review contains spoilers!

✅35/50 = 😊Good! = ✊🏼Skippable!

Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time!


We immediately meet Alice Obiefune, the new companion, and relate to her grey and tragic life. However, given that Al Ewing, known for his work on Immortal Hulk, excels in characterization and emotional storytelling, it's unsurprising that he successfully engages us.

I'm not a huge fan of Simon Fraser's art style. His Eleven looks like an old dude, and the overall style feels childish.

I enjoy the classic storyline where the new companion encounters the Doctor during an adventure, bids him farewell, and later reunites with him. The modern series frequently incorporates this classic storyline. In this case, it happens surprisingly quickly.

So, they do a nice twist on the "bigger on the inside" gag.

I appreciate how Eleven's comic adventures begin in a candid manner, and how he must confront a person who is grieving. Alice is relatable, grounded, yet sharp.

The colourful dog feeds on negative emotions, and I immediately think of the Psychovores introduced in Revolutions of Terror.

This weird little story includes a bonkers British prime minister and a giant baby squid. Why? I have no idea!


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