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Review of Adam by WhoPotterVian

7 August 2024

This is such an odd and unique episode about an extra-terrestrial entity inserting fake memories into the Torchwood team. It reminded me of that Nostalgia Critic review where they make fun of the character who appears out of nowhere and all the characters suddenly love him ("That's so Bill!" is probably my favourite Nostalgia Critic running gag).


I really like this story; the dramatic character moments regarding Gwen forgetting Rhys, and Jack's past are so strong, and the horrible memories planted in Ianto allows for some really dark and disturbing scenes, that thanks to Gareth David-Lloyd's superb acting really make you feel for what Adam has done to Ianto.


This is yet another powerful Torchwood episode; Series 2 is such a massive step-up from Series 1 so far!


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