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Review of A Star is Born by Joniejoon

5 May 2024

This review contains spoilers!

I just can’t pin this story down. What does it want?


Is this meant to entertain? The huge focus on pessimism would suggest otherwise.


Is it meant to teach? If so, what’s the lesson?


Is it meant to be emotional? If so, who am I supposed to feel emotions for?


This story is paced oddly for a 20 minute tale. We rush through some setup, then we linger on one man’s pessimism for a long while, and then we end it really quickly. It feels unfocused. Like a human without a skeleton, it misses a structure that keeps it upright.


Is it bad? No, not really. It doesn’t really fail, because what does it even attempt? Stuff just happens and it ends. It feels like a first draft to a better story, but for now it is like a sketch of what could be.


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