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Review of A Genius for War by Five_Hundredth_Drax

20 May 2024

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Now this is gonna be controversial.
This one is a paradox.
On one hand, it is an ok story with Sylvester McCoy's Seventh Doctor and Terry Molloy's Davros Lacking much of the shared audio-time with them, having useless Thals, yet sort of enyoable.
But on the other hand - it is even more useless to the plot. The Doctor gets his memory erased instantly after the mission and we get ZERO answers to the arc. BUT - if the previous one could be done outside of the main plot, this one cannot be done this way, because the way the Doctor beats Davros is directly connected to his retro-regeneration.
If not the positive moments of this story, like Davros himself or how the General works on his own, I would've rated this story lower. But now it gets what it deserves.


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