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Review of A Fix with Sontarans by 15thDoctor

26 April 2024

This review contains spoilers!

Obviously this 9 minute adventure is now somewhat overshadowed by the deeply unsavoury revelations regarding Jimmy Savile (side note - look how creepy he is with Janet Fielding, kissing her hand - yuck!) but a completest is a completest so I will be giving my thoughts on this piece of children's TV from the mid-1980s with no regard for taste or decency.

This is a sweet, generous but insubstantial story for lucky fan Gareth Jenkins which features the brief return of a very different looking Tegan Jovanka who has seemingly gotten her job back at her old airline. It was nice to see her one last time, this time with Colin Baker who sits alongside her well and is extremely kind to the young boy who idolises him.

Random characters pop up in the TARDIS one by one whilst The Doctor and Gareth spout off some technical gibberish. This ends with some extremely tall Sontarans showing up, a preview for the next adventure, which was airing concurrently with this one. I fear in the next story these Sontarans will be very un-Sontaran like, which is tiresome after seeing the same thing happen to the Cybermen earlier in the season.

It all finishes off with that self-congratulatory creep popping up on the screen and fittingly being described as a monster.


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