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Review of A Day to Yourselves by JayPea

10 December 2024

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CONTENT WARNING: Brief discussion on themes of Suicide

Okay that was just beautiful and brilliantly written, I had to stop three times in the middle of reading to add quotes!

Nine is definitely the doctor with the most trauma, War is up there but he never has a chance to stop and think, where Nine is always on the run not because he has to be, but because he can't let himself stop. The idea that even future versions of himself can't force him to stop despite their best efforts is great and absolutely in-keeping with his character.

Generally his characterisation here is just done perfectly. The TARDIS forcing him to take it slow and clean up the broken mirrors himself is a great moment for him and it, and there's a careless disregard for his own life shown here. When Eleven showed up to stop the cult he had a plan, Nine just showed up without one. There's also the moment when he jumps off the top of a building, of course he's saved by its security measures, but you almost get the sense that he wouldn't care if he wasn't.

And then there's the ending, leading brilliantly into Rose (Or some of the 9DAs depending how you want to read the timeline), giving him back his purpose.

I loved this story and highly recommend to any and all fans of Nine.


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