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Review of 73 Yards by BrightEmber

25 May 2024

This review contains spoilers!

4.5/5. It was excellent. Genuinely the best episode so far of RTD2.

But it squandered being one of my top episodes of all time, as I have the same grievances as many others seem to. The lack of meaning. Midnight, Blink, both episodes I would compare in vibe, that have similar intense, frightening mysteries that are explored as the episode continues. This episode fails where those ones succeed however, in making it have a meaning.

I have no problem with an episode that gets undone, plenty of timey-wimey reasons for that to happen. But the conclusion left me hollow. I don't need to know every detail of how and why it happened. That's what makes Midnight so great. But there's almost not a single detail that is explained, and, as I doubt the theories of us learning more about this episode later, it likely never will be.

I'm left wondering what happened and what the purpose of it all was, and ultimately, am left frustrated by that. Midnight succeeded where it failed, in that regard.

What I know of this episode can be summed up as such: Ruby is followed around by a woman for her entire life. At her death she suddenly snaps back to the past and becomes the woman.

No reasoning for a single thing in the episode. In Midnight, the question we're left with by the end is "What was the creature?". In 73 Yards, we are left with... everything. Why did the Doctor vanish? Why is she stuck 73 yards away (including with film)? Why does she have a perception filter? Why is everyone so terrified and disgusted by what she says? Why did the time loop occur? Why was it different the 2nd time around? I could go on.

I didn't expect or even want, EVERY question answered. But, all my investment in the episode was banking on learning at least the tiniest bit. I was not given the tiniest shred.

However, this is only my feeling after the episode is over. The experience of watching it is still extremely high on my Doctor Who tier list. But not even close to as high as it could be, if not for making me feel I'm lacking a single bit of awareness of any event that occured.

If I'm wrong and we do get SOME answers later, I will certainly be impressed, and take this back. As it is though, I genuinely loved the episode- but mourn the fact that it could have been at the very peak.


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