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Review of 73 Yards by Bongo50

25 May 2024

I liked this episode a lot. For me, it is quite possibly a 10/10. From the opening moments, I was instantly hooked and remained hooked throughout the entire episode. The pacing was perfect: every one of this episode's 47 minutes were used incredibly well, none wasted.

To be honest, this wasn't what I was expecting from the trailer and other promotional material, and I think that worked in this episode's favour. It subverted my expectations brilliantly, weaving a rich and interesting narrative. Did this episode explain itself fully? No. Did I understand it fully? No. Does it matter? Not to me. I feel like this is an episode that I will be thinking about for a long time to come. When I think of RTD's writing, episodes like this are what come to mind.

In addition to the good writing, the directing is also on point throughout. In the DWM preview, RTD spoke about how the director has previously done short films and so directed this much like a short film, and I have to say I agree and that it works perfectly to create an atmosphere that serves this episode perfectly. To top it all off, there's an appearance from the host of my favourite quiz show. Perfection.


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