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Review of 42 by 15thDoctor

25 April 2024

This review contains spoilers!

This is the third thoroughly underwhelming story in a row delivered by a brand new writer to the show. This time it is Chris Chibnall’s turn to disappoint (he becomes important later…!)

My wife hated this story. She initially thought she’d already seen it due to the uncanny and frustratingly close resemblance to the excellent The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit. It smacks of the Doctor Who team saying “that worked - let’s try it again.” Whilst visually it is a copy / paste job, the paper thin levels of peril and personality free, motivation-less characters make it almost impossible to be able to invest in the story. It makes you really appreciate the craft Matt Jones and RTD put into these character’s fully fleshed out series two counterparts.

It’s a shame because the basic plot Chibnall is given to work with us rather good - a living sun which wants back something that has been taken from it - a similar idea to a classic Who story which escapes my mind at the moment (I’m sure someone can tell me). I also like the slowly lifting sun visors and the “burn with me!”

Their take on the real time TV show 24 doesn’t really do anything. If they had gone all in on the countdown concept it could have done - but the supposed timings never match up with what we’re experiencing onscreen to any degree - so there’s a massive disconnect in the pacing.

The pod sequence with Martha floating into space is well handled on an emotional level, they had a good idea, but the Doctor and Martha’s friend messing with the pod’s interface trying to resolve the situation is in practice, quite boring.

Freema and David knock out some excellent performances though. They save the day and save the episode, feeling liked they’d really clicked as actors, even if Martha hasn’t quite had enough to do at this point in the series.

The mid series slump has been horrendous which is frustrating as the first four episodes without Billie Piper had been so promising. There is definitely better to come!


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