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DOCTOR: Are you happy with us, Victoria?

VICTORIA: Yes, I am. At least, I would be if my father were here.

DOCTOR: Yes, I know, I know.

VICTORIA: I wonder what he would have thought if he could see me now.

DOCTOR: You miss him very much, don't you?

VICTORIA: It's only when I close my eyes. I can still see him standing there, before those horrible Dalek creatures came to the house. He was a very kind man, I shall never forget him. Never.

DOCTOR: No, of course you won't. But, you know, the memory of him won't always be a sad one.

VICTORIA: I think it will. You can't understand, being so ancient.


VICTORIA: I mean old.


VICTORIA: You probably can't remember your family.

DOCTOR: Oh yes, I can when I want to. And that's the point, really. I have to really want to, to bring them back in front of my eyes. The rest of the time they sleep in my mind, and I forget. And so will you. Oh yes, you will. You'll find there's so much else to think about. So remember, our lives are different to anybody else's. That's the exciting thing. There's nobody in the universe can do what we're doing. You must get some sleep and let this poor old man stay awake.

Quote submitted by CaI

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