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JOHN LENNON: What for? I'm no good at anything.
DOCTOR: But, Paul, see, when it's just you on your own, don't you think that there must be better songs? Songs that lift you? And devastate you? And make you soar? Songs that are tucked away somewhere in secret, in the back of your mind?
PAUL MCCARTNEY: How do you know that?
JOHN LENNON: I just want to go home. Forget this life. Just have my tea and go to bed with a woman of my own, you know. That's all I want. But then why do I wake up crying?
PAUL MCCARTNEY: It's like sometimes, late at night, I get this thought, like, it's so far away, but it's a note. A single note. And then a second, and a third and fourth and fifth. And you put them together and it feels like the most holy thing on this Earth. Like a G, then an E. Then a G maybe twice. Then C. And if you put words to it, words right from your heart... (sings) I love you so much...
— The Devil’s Chord
Quote submitted by SweetAIBelle
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