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COMPASSION: Remember that the Doctor isn't perfect, either.

FITZ: I know that.

COMPASSION: You dote on the Doctor, Fitz. You haven't worked it out yet, how he tolerates us. Humans are just the Time Lords' embarrassing relations. Isn't it how you'd feel if you had to travel round with only the inferior species for company?

FITZ: You make us sound like pets. Is that your big idea, Compassion? We're the Doctor's pets?

COMPASSION: Yes. But it's like the difference between cats and dogs. A dog thinks, My owner loves me and feeds me and takes care of me, so he must be god. A cat thinks, My owner loves me and feeds me and takes care of me so I must be god. He's got you to sit up and beg, like a well-trained dog. Well, he won't change me.

Frontier Worlds

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