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GWEN: Why are you so interested?
RUPESH: Well, from what I've heard, it just sounds, I don't know.
GWEN: Exciting?
RUPESH: I suppose.
GWEN: Glamorous?
RUPESH: No, more, sort of. The thing is, we've all seen it now, the past few years. Alien life. Even though half the world's still denying it. For me, okay, it's the suicides. The past few years suicide rates have doubled, and that's ever since the first alien. My first case, my first death, was a suicide. Do you know why she did it? Because she'd written all these letters. She'd been a Christian all her life, and then alien life appears. She wrote this bit. She said, it's like science has won.
GWEN: Lost her faith.
RUPESH: More than that. She said she saw her place in the universe, and it was tiny. She died because she thought she was nothing.
— Day One
Quote submitted by uss-genderprise
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