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JUSTINE: What did you mean, "I can't go through this again"?

ELIZA: What?

JUSTINE: It's what you said before. When the time-ships came.

ELIZA: Christ. You've got a good memory, haven't you?

JUSTINE: Only for things that seem important.

ELIZA: Yeah. Well. I've seen it happen before, you know? Before I came here. I used to live in a city a lot like this. Different world. Different time. Different universe, come to think of it. Same thing happened, though. One day, the sky just opened. And that was it. That was the end of it all.

JUSTINE: The Sontarans?

ELIZA: God, no. One of the other Houses. Tore up all the cities. Turned most of the people into worker-drones. That was the way I found out about things. About how the universe really works. About the Houses running it all from behind the scenes. I was pretty much the only person who got away, so... you can see how I ended up here. You know what the family's like for picking up hopeless people. No offence.

Quote submitted by glass_shard