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DOCTOR: I need the boosters. Why have you not gone for them?
EVELYN: We're going for them now. Doctor, I've never seen you so upset.
DOCTOR: You can't take it in, can you? Oh, the blessing of a human mind.
EVELYN: Well, if you're going to be all high and mighty.
DOCTOR: It's a matter of perspective, Evelyn. Let's take your own galaxy, the Milky Way. An area of space so vast that if it were reduced to the size of the United States of America, the Earth would be less than the smallest mote of dust, barely visible through an electron microscope.
VANSELL: Doctor.
DOCTOR: Seriphia is four times as large as the Milky Way, and in just a few hours six hundred billion stars will be as snuffed out candles to a new sun, a ball of fire four hundred thousand light years across. And from there it will spread on and on and on through the hundred billion other galaxies in the universe. The death toll will be as incalculable as it will be absolute. And by the end there'll be nothing left! Nothing!
VANSELL: You've made your point, Doctor.
EVELYN: All right, Doctor. I understand. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, all right?
DOCTOR: No. No, Evelyn. No, I'm sorry.
EVELYN: We can still stop the Daleks, can't we?
DOCTOR: Of course we can. And we will. I'd better help Romana with the repairs.
EVELYN: Come on, Vansell. Let's get the man what he needs.
VANSELL: Good luck, Doctor.
— The Apocalypse Element
Quote submitted by DarthGallifrey
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