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Titan Comics

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Time Travel


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Relaxing in the Void

Rating: ???

The Twelfth Doctor - Backup comic stories

The Meddling of Clara’s Song

Rating: 2.20

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor

Spiral Staircase

Rating: 3.46

Four Doctors back-up comics

The Doctor Shops for Comics

Rating: 2.80

The Eleventh Doctor - Backup comic stories

Take a Bow (Tie)

Rating: ???

Titan Comic: Summer Events

Four Doctors

Rating: 3.67

Four Doctors back-up comics

Open Mic Night

Rating: 2.60

Four Doctors back-up comics

The Meeting

Rating: 3.33

Four Doctors back-up comics

The Doctors Do… Classic Comedy

Rating: 2.70

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor

Sins of the Father

Rating: 3.46

The Twelfth Doctor - Backup comic stories

The Abominable Showmen

Rating: 3.50

Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor

Unearthly Things

Rating: 3.31

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor

The Singer Not the Song

Rating: 3.47

Four Doctors back-up comics

The Doctor Shops for Angels

Rating: 2.70

The Twelfth Doctor - Backup comic stories

The Five Masters

Rating: 3.50

Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor

The Hyperion Empire

Rating: 3.48

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor

The Then and the Now

Rating: 3.51

The Eleventh Doctor - Backup comic stories

New Year, New Who

Rating: ???

Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor

The Pictures of Josephine Day

Rating: 3.72

The Eleventh Doctor - Backup comic stories

No Win, No Fez

Rating: ???

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor

Cindy, Cleo and the Magic Sketchbook

Rating: 3.52

The Twelfth Doctor - Backup comic stories

One! Two! Three! Four! To Doomsday

Rating: ???

Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor

Relative Dimensions

Rating: 3.64

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor

Pull to Open

Rating: 3.67