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TARDIS Guide is 100% funded by our valued Patrons. This allows us to ensure the site has no ads, which can be invasive, and that we never sell your data. In return for supporting the site, we can offer you exclusive benefits!

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Patron Benefits

available today

Patron Label and Badge

Show off your patronage with a Patron label on your profile, an exclusive unlockable badge, as well as a Patron Seal of Rassilon on the forum!

Personalised Filters

Filter ANY list of stories to show only the ones you've completed, favourited, or rated any star amounts!

Early Access to new features

Patrons are always to first to get access to try out new features, and their feedback is always taken into account!

Repeats Beta

Planning a repeat viewing, listening, or reading? Mark an episode as "repeated" and we'll keep track of where you're up to!

This feature is in beta, updates and improvements coming soon!

Exclusive BlueSky Handle

Get an exclusive BlueSky Handle, and show off your support for the site and your love for Doctor Who!show off your support for the site and your love for Doctor Who! Learn more

Forum AI Assistant

A completely optional, but very useful AI assistant will be available for you to use in the forum! It has new features added to it all the time.

Exclusive Discord Channel

Gain access to an exclusive Discord channel where you can chat directly with the TARDIS Team, and get a "Patron" role on Discord!

Exclusive Forum Category

Gain access to an exclusive Forum category, where the TARDIS Team share insider information, sneak previews, and more!

There are many more features under development, and Patrons will always be the first to know what lies ahead!

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You can also support the site by buying an exclusive TARDIS Guide pin badge, or sending a tip. Thank you, every little helps! (Patron benefits are only included with a subscription)

Special thanks to our amazing Patrons!