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BBC Books

Josephine and the Argonauts

Average. Rating: 72%
Average rating: ★ 4.04
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Target Collection

The Kairos Ring

Average. Rating: 41%
Average rating: ★ 4.21
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The War Master 8

4. The Master of Dorian Gray

Average. Rating: 49%
Average rating: ★ 3.28
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The War Master 8

3. The Adventure of the Deceased Doctor

Average. Rating: 67%
Average rating: ★ 4.12
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The War Master 8

2. The Shadow Master

Average. Rating: 55%
Average rating: ★ 3.56
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The War Master 8

1. The Wrath of Medusa

Average. Rating: 63%
Average rating: ★ 3.91
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The Eighth of March 2

1. Stolen Futures

Average. Rating: 48%
Average rating: ★ 3.45
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Dalek Universe 2

3. The Lost

Average. Rating: 74%
Average rating: ★ 4.27
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BBC Books

The Wonderful Doctor of Oz

Average. Rating: 63%
Average rating: ★ 4.06
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Time Lord Victorious

Time Fracture

Average. Rating: 66%
Average rating: ★ 4.33
Complete Completed?

Gallifrey: Time War 4

3. Beyond

Average. Rating: 64%
Average rating: ★ 4.03
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Beyond The Doctor

1. The Kairos Ring

Average. Rating: 50%
Average rating: ★ 3.55
Complete Completed?

The Tenth Doctor Adventures

Out of Time 1

Average. Rating: 69%
Average rating: ★ 3.86
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The Fourth Doctor Adventures S9 Volume 2

4. The Quest of the Engineer

Average. Rating: 62%
Average rating: ★ 3.85
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The Fourth Doctor Adventures S9 Volume 2

3. The Planet of Witches

Average. Rating: 55%
Average rating: ★ 3.55
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The Fourth Doctor Adventures S9 Volume 1

2. Chase the Night

Average. Rating: 63%
Average rating: ★ 4.06
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The Fourth Doctor Adventures S9 Volume 1

1. Purgatory 12

Average. Rating: 46%
Average rating: ★ 3.33
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Doctor Who S12 • Episode 2

Spyfall, Part 2

Average. Rating: 57%
Average rating: ★ 3.08
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Doctor Who S12 • Episode 1

Spyfall, Part 1

Average. Rating: 69%
Average rating: ★ 3.64
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Target Collection

Journey Out of Terror

Average. Rating: 53%
Average rating: ★ 3.68
Complete Completed?

Main Range

257a. Interstitial

Average. Rating: 39%
Average rating: ★ 2.81
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Audio Adaptations

Warriors’ Gate

Average. Rating: 65%
Average rating: ★ 3.56
Complete Completed?

Bernice Summerfield: In Time

7. The Death of Hope

Complete Completed?

The Diary of River Song 3

3. My Dinner with Andrew

Average. Rating: 72%
Average rating: ★ 4.20
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