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New Series Adventures


Average. Rating: 61%


3. Metamorphosis

Average. Rating: 54%

Doctor Who Season One • Episode 5

Dot and Bubble

Average. Rating: 70%


3. Archipelago

Average. Rating: 81%


1. Swipe Right

Average. Rating: 77%


3. Slow Beasts

Average. Rating: 61%

The Dream Team

Meanwhile, Turlough

Average. Rating: 50%

The Quin Dilemma

6. The Firstborn

Average. Rating: 66%

The Quin Dilemma

5. The Thousand Year Thaw

Average. Rating: 66%

The Quin Dilemma

1. The Exaltation

Average. Rating: 58%

Broken Memories

1. Invasion of the Body Stealers

Average. Rating: 52%

Sontarans vs Rutans

3. Born to Die

Average. Rating: 66%

The Phaser Aliens & Other Stories

The Volcanis Deal

The Phaser Aliens & Other Stories

Life Anew (AKA A New Life)

The Phaser Aliens & Other Stories

Planet of Bones

The Phaser Aliens & Other Stories

The Fishmen of Kandalinga

Victory of the Doctor

2. Daleks Victorious

Average. Rating: 75%

The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles

4. Broken Hearts

Average. Rating: 86%

The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Audacity

3. The Great Cyber-War Part 2

Average. Rating: 70%

The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Audacity

2. The Great Cyber-War Part 1

Average. Rating: 69%

Once and Future

7. The Union

Average. Rating: 71%

Torchwood Main Range

76. Odyssey

Average. Rating: 59%

BBC Books

Doom’s Day: Out Of Time

Average. Rating: 37%

Once and Future

6. Time Lord Immemorial

Average. Rating: 64%

Once and Future

5. The Martian Invasion of Planetoid 50

Average. Rating: 76%

James Robert McCrimmon

3. The Shroud

Average. Rating: 67%

James Robert McCrimmon

2. The Green Man

Average. Rating: 66%

Once and Future

3. A Genius for War

Average. Rating: 70%

Target Collection


Average. Rating: 68%

Target Collection

Planet of the Ood

Average. Rating: 71%