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The Phaser Aliens & Other Stories

The Phaser Aliens

UNIT: Nemesis 1

2. Fire and Ice

Average. Rating: 59%

The Ninth Doctor Adventures 2

1. Girl, Deconstructed

Average. Rating: 72%

Lady Christina S2

2. Outback

Average. Rating: 33%

Main Range

269a. Aimed at the Body

Average. Rating: 63%

Torchwood Main Range

40. Save Our Souls

Average. Rating: 70%

Doctor Who S12 • Episode 1

Spyfall, Part 1

Average. Rating: 72%

(No Series)

The Seventh Doctor: Operation Volcano

Average. Rating: 67%

Torchwood Main Range

19. The Death of Captain Jack

Average. Rating: 73%

BBC Books

Big Bang Generation

Average. Rating: 61%

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor

The Weeping Angels of Mons

Average. Rating: 79%

BBC Books

Salt of the Earth

Average. Rating: 69%

Main Range

161. The Butcher of Brisbane

Average. Rating: 70%

The Companion Chronicles S5

2. Echoes of Grey

Average. Rating: 63%

Doctor Who Magazine Comics

The Age of Ice

Big Finish Short Trips

17. Evitability

Big Finish Short Trips

15. iNtRUsioNs

Main Range

87. The Gathering

Average. Rating: 67%

Big Finish Short Trips

2. Home Fires

Big Finish Short Trips

1. Best Seller

Big Finish Short Trips

8. The Bushranger’s Story

Big Finish Short Trips

5. Hymn of the City

Average. Rating: 28%

Big Finish Short Trips

6. Virgin Lands

Average. Rating: 27%

Virgin New Adventures

Return of the Living Dad

Average. Rating: 70%

Virgin Missing Adventures

Invasion of the Cat-People

Average. Rating: 46%

Virgin New Adventures

Set Piece

Average. Rating: 73%

Virgin Missing Adventures

Goth Opera

Average. Rating: 71%

Target Collection

Doctor Who and the Enemy of the World

Average. Rating: 65%

Classic Who S5 • Serial 4 · (6 episodes)

The Enemy of the World

Average. Rating: 75%