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The Chains of Olympus


Collected Eleventh Doctor Comic Strips — Volume 2

Join the Doctor, Amy Pond and Rory Williams on their amazing adventures in space and time, in these exceptional collected comics from the pages of Doctor Who Magazine!

Featuring three amazing stories:

The Chains of Olympus Sticks & Stones The Cornucopia Caper The Doctor, Amy and Rory travel back to Ancient Greece and encounter the Doctor's greatest hero: Socrates! But Athens faces deadly danger – creatures from myth stalk the streets, and the wrath of the gods may destroy mankind! The action continues in modern-day London and the spaceport called Cornucopia as the time-travellers encounter a sinister artist with a lethal name, a society of vicious alien criminals and the greatest thief in the galaxy!

PLUS! A bumper commentary section where the writers, artists and editors reveal the stories behind the strips! featuring never-before-published artwork, original story outlines and much more!

An essential collection for fans of Doctor Who and classic British comics!

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Stories in this Collectable

Doctor Who Magazine Comics

The Chains of Olympus

Rating: 3.82

Doctor Who Magazine Comics

Sticks & Stones

Rating: 3.67

Doctor Who Magazine Comics

The Cornucopia Caper

Rating: 3.86

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