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Tales of the Civil War


War has come to the City of the Saved. Once immune from harm, the resurrected Citizens of the universe find themselves once again most terribly fragile — and just as in the universe, too many of them now strive to take advantage of the fact.

In this unfamiliar City, the resurrected must revive the long-forgotten skills of their original lives. Knights, courtiers, detectives, killers, nurses, adventurers, spies, the afterlives of all will be irrevocably changed by the Civil War.

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Stories in this Collectable

The City of the Saved

The Tale of Sir Hedwyn

Rating: ???

The City of the Saved

The Age of Meeting Ourselves Again

Rating: ???

The City of the Saved

The Queen of Clubs

Rating: ???

The City of the Saved

To Die by the Sword

Rating: ???

The City of the Saved

Just Passing Through

Rating: ???

The City of the Saved

Angels on a Hoverbike

Rating: ???

The City of the Saved

Interlude from a Civil War

Rating: ???

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