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DWM Special Edition 9: The Complete Fourth Doctor: Volume Two

DWM Special Edition 9: The Complete Fourth Doctor: Volume Two

Games Without Frontiers - From grinning loon to brooding gloom, Philip MacDonald profiles the final, somewhat schizophrenic years of the Fourth Doctor, in the second part of this fascinating feature.

The Fourth Doctor on TV
In Production - Doctor Who the series and Doctor Who the character are given a sense of purpose after 15 years - a quest for the Key to Time ...

The Stories - In which the Doctor is given a new assistant, K9 goes boating, Romana sees double, and the forces of light and darkness pop by for a chat ...

In Production - Strikes, inflation and a rather unhappy lead actor lead to a troubled year for the series. But we'll always have Paris ...

The Stories - In which Leonardo works overtime, the Daleks come home, Romana fancies a change, and nobody quite gets to visit Cambridge ...

In Production - The new decade brings a new producer, a new look, a new TARDIS and lots of new assistants. But everyone's watching Buck Rogers ...

The Stories - In which Adric joins, Romana leaves, Tegan joins, K9 leaves, Nyssa joins and Tom Baker leaves. Talk about entropy ...

Further Adventures
Fourth Doctor Audios - Gary Gillatt listens in on the Earth's formation, the creation of the Daleks, and a spot of piccolo playing ...

Fourth Doctor Books - Matt Michael runs the gamut from high camp to gothic horror as he considers the Fourth Doctor in novel form ...

Fourth Doctor Comics - Martin Wiggins and David Bailey contemplate the Fourth Doctor's two very different comic incarnations ...

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