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Doctor Who: The Story of Martha


For a year, while the Saxon Master ruled over Earth, Martha Jones travelled the world telling people stories about the Doctor. She told people of how the Doctor has saved them before, and how he will save them again.

This is that story. It tells of Martha's travels from her arrival on Earth as the Toclafane attacked and decimated the population through to her return to Britain to face the Master. It tells how she spread the word and told people about the Doctor. The story of how she survived that terrible year.

But it's more than that. This is also a collection of the stories she tells - the stories of adventures she had with the Doctor that we haven't heard about before. The stories that inspired and saved the world...

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Stories in this Collectable

BBC Books

The Story of Martha

Rating: 3.87

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Rating: 3.71

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Breathing Space

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The Frozen Wastes

Rating: 3.97

BBC Books


Rating: 3.59

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