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Doctor Who Short Trips: Time Signature


A city destroyed by time itself. A country torn apart by revolution. A man in a boat with a biscuit tin...

The Doctor doesn't just change the lives of those around him, his actions echo through history. Shaping the universe, changing it, rewriting in his own hand.

But making it better? It's a good job he never sticks around for long afterwards.

And yet, for all that the universe may be infinite, for all he keeps moving, the Doctor can't outrun the consequences forever.

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Stories in this Collectable

Big Finish Short Trips

An Overture Too Early

Rating: 3.68

Big Finish Short Trips

The Ruins of Time

Rating: 2.80

Big Finish Short Trips

Gone Fishing

Rating: ???

Big Finish Short Trips

The Avant Guardian

Rating: ???

Big Finish Short Trips

Second Contact

Rating: ???

Big Finish Short Trips


Rating: ???

Big Finish Short Trips

Walkin’ City Blues

Rating: ???

Big Finish Short Trips

The Hunting of the Slook

Rating: ???

Big Finish Short Trips

The Earwig Archipelago

Rating: ???

Big Finish Short Trips

DS Al Fine

Rating: ???

Big Finish Short Trips

Certificate of Destruction

Rating: ???

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